Saturday 11 July 2015


I have been somewhat absent online for a while. I needed some time to focus on work and study deadlines. Then a little break to relax and spend time with family. All very important things and though it was good, I did miss this blog. I was also not completely remiss in my workouts, though I have been less than half as active as I would like.

I have also not been idle regarding my progress on the A21 "Walk For Freedom". I have collected all the information I need from the website and corresponded with my local municipality regarding the permit for permission to host the event in my town.

I am very happy to note that I have also been corresponding with the Mayor's office and they not only support the cause, but we will be meeting as he wishes to support us and even give a short address to highlight the importance of events such as these.

I have also been planning and scheduling meetings to invite and discuss the Walk with various other key people to ensure maximum exposure in our area.

I am super excited now that things are starting to take shape and I invite you to register today for the Walk For Freedom in your city:
If you don't see yours here, follow the link to find out more: A21 Walk For Freedom

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