Friday 17 July 2015

Plettenberg Bay Walk For Freedom, here we come..

I am so excited about getting involved and hosting this event. If I am on here sporadically, it is because we are progressing faster than I believed possible! I thank God that He has prepared the way, as everything is falling into place. 

Everyone I speak to asks how they can assist, offers to arrange or provide something! My heart is overflowing. I am blown away by the quality of people in my home town and it makes me so proud to be a part of this community. 

I met with the Mayor's office and they are not only going to support the event but come alongside me and be a part of the hosting. 

We are finalising the route details to get the permit issued and once that is done we can get it registered on the A21 website, which I am getting help for from my extremely helpful local A21 office :) Thanks Gilbert from the Cape Town office! 

I am not only going to be inviting people to the Walk, but will be going out to the churches, schools, business forums and associations and raising awareness by sharing material, speaking with key persons and presentations. 

I have been invited to speak at a few events, not because I am an expert or an accomplished public speaker, but because it's my heart to raise awareness and assist by, for example, hosting the Walk For Freedom. I most certainly hope and pray that my introduction will open doors for further education and inspire more people to get involved too.

So here I go to sort out marketing materials and polish up presentations. In the mean time please check out this TEDx talk by A21 Global Operations Manager, Philip Hyldgaard, on human trafficking. Remember to share it so we can spread the word online.

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