Sunday, 26 July 2015

So Much More Than Just A Silent March

Each walk that will happen around the world will leave a deafening silence with the echo of footsteps. I declare that each footstep will walk straight into the hearts of those yet ignorant, and move them to want to do something about the plight of human trafficking victims. I trust that every person reached will in turn reach out to others. I pray that the funds raised will have an effect that will ripple out and grow, and grow, until it engulfs the whole planet.

Just as with our walk in Plett, I know that our silent statement will stir our neighbours to take their first steps to end human trafficking in our lifetime. When I approached our Mayor and his office to get their public support for this walk, I was so encouraged by every single person's willingness to help in any way possible. I have not only received their assurance of support at the Walk, but we are working together to host the actual event. And if that wasn't enough, together with individuals from other departments in our area, a whole awareness campaign is being planned. These individuals form part of committees or fill positions that are outside of their job description. Beyond law enforcement, social development, youth development, Forums and Mayoral offices. They work with all shape and forms of vulnerable; such as domestic abuse, woman in need, children and youth at risk and more. They do this because their hearts were stirred to help in any way they possibly can.

When working with victims, even if it's just the statistics of what is happening today, it is easy to lose faith in humanity. I am in awe and so grateful for knowing and being able to work with people whose hearts are so big. It encourages me to believe that the more people we reach, the more people will join the cause. 

I have another big week coming up meeting more representatives of other town's and government departments and planning. I go with assurance that God has prepared the way, because it is His will that the captives are set free. He loves every single person on this planet and I pray that through all this work we do, we all are all filled with that same love for each other. This is my motivation and though we all differ in many ways, this one thing is all that will bind us: Love.

If you have yet to join a walk on 17 October in your city, register on the A21 website here. If there isn't a walk near you, host one :) 

If you cannot make the walk but wish to contribute, please donate here

Saturday, 25 July 2015

Let Our Legacy Be Freedom!

Greetings Fellow Abolitionists!

This year I have decided to host the Walk For Freedom on 17 October for A21 in my home town, Plettenberg Bay.

This is to heighten awareness of modern-day slavery. This most heinous crime is unacceptable. I will not stand for it on my watch and I am sure you feel the same, which is why you are reading this now.

Every step taken on the walk, every post online, every cent donated is an action taken to end human trafficking in our lifetime. So every little bit you do and donate here is counted toward this aim and appreciated.

I have set up a fundraising page with a goal of $1000. Any amount, however big or small is appreciated and makes a difference. To donate please click here

You can register for the Walk For Freedom in your city, or if there isn't one, host your own! Register today, click here

Monday, 20 July 2015

Expectations Versus Reality

I have been training about half as much as I'd like to this last month and I have thought about this a lot. I really wonder if my expectations need to be addressed here. It is great to give it your best, but what if your best isn't what you imagine it should be?

For the sake of argument, though I wish to train daily for a minimum of 30 minutes, perhaps every other day is not an unreasonable compromise. I only fear I run the risk of becoming demoralised if I continue to fail to meet my own (admittedly rigid and high) expectations.

Hmmm. So while I decide on this conundrum there is one other issue I need to address. In previous years I didn't do any strength training, so when I started this programme I have added it. Only now it seems to have replaced cardio. I really need to balance it out a bit more, regardless of the number of training sessions a week. So from here on out, I alternate my training sessions between cardio and strength.

I also am not getting much Krav Maga done as yet, perhaps when I add that and the dancing I will be back up to training more days than not. Food for thought. Nonetheless, onward and upward. If I am moving along at a snail's pace, it's better than not moving at all.

So I found this funny picture which accurately depicts how I'm feeling at the moment and I just had to share it..

Friday, 17 July 2015

Plettenberg Bay Walk For Freedom, here we come..

I am so excited about getting involved and hosting this event. If I am on here sporadically, it is because we are progressing faster than I believed possible! I thank God that He has prepared the way, as everything is falling into place. 

Everyone I speak to asks how they can assist, offers to arrange or provide something! My heart is overflowing. I am blown away by the quality of people in my home town and it makes me so proud to be a part of this community. 

I met with the Mayor's office and they are not only going to support the event but come alongside me and be a part of the hosting. 

We are finalising the route details to get the permit issued and once that is done we can get it registered on the A21 website, which I am getting help for from my extremely helpful local A21 office :) Thanks Gilbert from the Cape Town office! 

I am not only going to be inviting people to the Walk, but will be going out to the churches, schools, business forums and associations and raising awareness by sharing material, speaking with key persons and presentations. 

I have been invited to speak at a few events, not because I am an expert or an accomplished public speaker, but because it's my heart to raise awareness and assist by, for example, hosting the Walk For Freedom. I most certainly hope and pray that my introduction will open doors for further education and inspire more people to get involved too.

So here I go to sort out marketing materials and polish up presentations. In the mean time please check out this TEDx talk by A21 Global Operations Manager, Philip Hyldgaard, on human trafficking. Remember to share it so we can spread the word online.

Saturday, 11 July 2015


I have been somewhat absent online for a while. I needed some time to focus on work and study deadlines. Then a little break to relax and spend time with family. All very important things and though it was good, I did miss this blog. I was also not completely remiss in my workouts, though I have been less than half as active as I would like.

I have also not been idle regarding my progress on the A21 "Walk For Freedom". I have collected all the information I need from the website and corresponded with my local municipality regarding the permit for permission to host the event in my town.

I am very happy to note that I have also been corresponding with the Mayor's office and they not only support the cause, but we will be meeting as he wishes to support us and even give a short address to highlight the importance of events such as these.

I have also been planning and scheduling meetings to invite and discuss the Walk with various other key people to ensure maximum exposure in our area.

I am super excited now that things are starting to take shape and I invite you to register today for the Walk For Freedom in your city:
If you don't see yours here, follow the link to find out more: A21 Walk For Freedom