Saturday 30 May 2015

Week One Done and Dusted

So I've completed my first full week of exercising and I am getting more and more motivated every day!

A friend gave me a PowerPlate machine that she has in storage and just doesn't use. It's so impressive how it will help my existing stretching and strength routines. It doesn't add time to my workouts, only effectiveness. And if that isn't enough it has added bonuses of increasing circulation, weight-loss and reducing cellulite.

Aside from just completing workouts, my other NerdFitness quests this week were:
  • Take a before photo - Check
  • Change my thinking to see workouts as gaining points for skills - Check. My points stand as follows:
  1. STA (Stamina) + 3 
  2. WP (Will Power) + 6 
  3. STR (Strength) + 3 
  4. DX (Dexterity) - Will start incorporating this training next week.
  • Make one dietary change for the better - Check.
  1. Drinking 2 litres of water a day, by drinking a glass of water before other drinks and meals.
  • Temptation Bundling - Check
  1. Socialising + Running: Arranged to start running with a friend from next week to do socialising while exercising. 
  2. Studying + Exercising: I have a brutal study schedule at the moment, so doing exercises like squats while watching the video portions mean I study and train.
What a first week and next week will only be better with the measures in place to be even more effective.

Aside from twitter and this blog I have also spoken to people (in real life) about how I'm integrating my desire to raise awareness for The A21 Campaign with my new work out routine. It is a great way to introduce people to the very real problem of human trafficking and how we can use our everyday lives to help.

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