Tuesday 26 May 2015

I'm loving it

So am I pumped after finishing my first strength training exercise session today? Day 4 of my Nerd Fitness programme and having a blast!

Yesterday I chose my character: a monk :) This was an easy choice since I am doing Krav Maga, which strictly speaking isn't Martial Arts, but it is contact combat so it's essentially the same physically. 

I completed another 20 minute "Run" yesterday, although according to my programme it's still speed walking and not running yet. 

Then I just have to mention that I have been meeting lots of amazing people on my twitter account (@mywalkinhershoe). So 
I want to take a moment to say a sincere thank you to everyone supporting me and our cause to stand against the injustice of human trafficking. 

To all the individuals who make up The A21 Campaign and all the other organisations involved with this worthy cause: Thank you and we will not stop until every last human being is free!


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