Monday 25 May 2015

Changing Daily Routines

So how to get fit from scratch? Not sure what to do or where to start so Googled it :)

I found a running routine for beginners, which I believe will be a good start. I don't want injuries but I want to see some sort of measurable results.

I started my first 20 minute "Running" session yesterday.

I also found this site called Nerd Fitness which I believe might help me. I am a real nerd and I just had to smile and will enjoy it all more when I get Quests, a cool Character and advice with lines like: "YOUR FIRST QUEST: Find time to go for another 10 minute walk today, and repeat the process tomorrow. You did it yesterday, why not make it two days in a row? If hobbits can walk to Mordor, you can walk for a few minutes around the block, right?"

There was more advice about slowly changing diet habits, so over the weekend I have now made my first meal of the day a bowl of oats. I now want to start drinking a glass of water before drinking or eating anything else, to increase my water intake.

I have danced my whole life,  modern, choreography, worship, ballroom, latins.. Just about everything. So I will be refreshing some of my dancing skills for extra exercise: core, strength, cardio, etc.

Then last but certainly not least, last year I started doing some basic self-defense training with a friend but he has now moved away. Sadly there isn't anyone in our area that offers Krav Maga classes, but we'll just continue using a DVD set I received, called Ultimate Krav Maga. I will train with my son using a punching bag, the DVDs as instructions and the basic skills we have learned so far.
I like to have tangible goals with steps to achieve them, so this is the outline of my plan. I will run every other day and alternate days I will do dancing and Krav Maga, with one day a week off.

I'm super excited and have also set up a twitter account for My Walk In Her Shoes experience. You can follow @mywalkinhershoe for updates of my blog and tweets about raising awareness for the 27 Million Slaves in the world today.

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