Sunday 24 May 2015

In the beginning...

So I have had the idea for this blog and this project for a while. I have thought about it and dreamed about it and deliberated and finally I feel ready to start. Not because everything magically fell into place, but because it didn't. I realised that I will need to "just do it" :) Yes that was a Nike reference, for no other reason than it's punny.. I will have lots of those and just so you know: I am not even sorry.

So Here Is The Plan:
  1)  To get fit

  2)  Run the Comrades 

  3) Keep a blog diary of the whole process to help raise 
       awareness, and hopefully, funds for the A21 Campaign.

Why Fitness?

I am completely unfit and really need to fix that. There are a variety of contributing factors to this state and I will probably mention some as time passes, but it's past time! I need to lose weight, build muscle and general fitness, all of it.I also desperately want to help make a difference for some people who really need it. I am naturally drawn to the A21 campaign, being a woman and a Christian.

Why The A21 Campaign?

Click on the above link for more information but shortly A21 is a non-profit organization who believes that together, we can end human trafficking. So under their list of "21 Ways To Help" two stood out for me: 11 is "Show Your Stuff" which suggests writing a blog to help raise awareness of human trafficking and 18 is "Walk In Her Shoes" which suggests using some sport activity to raise funds or awareness as well. Also where I got the name for the blog. There are others that I will also be incorporating into my life but this blog and my goal is linked to these two.

Why the Comrades?

The Comrades Marathon is the world's oldest and largest ultramarathon run over a distance of approximately 90 km | 56.1 miles between the capital of the Kwazulu-Natal Province of South Africa, Pietermaritzburg, and the coastal city of Durban. Running this marathon is on my Bucket List, so I will be ticking that off along with another goal of contributing to a worthy cause. After a year or so of gaining general fitness, I will start a programme specifically to get Comrades ready. I will also start looking for sponsors to donate, for every km I run, towards the Campaign and just to raise general awareness through the publicity through the media.

So welcome and I hope and pray you become inspired to find your own "Walk In Her Shoes" experience.


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