Wednesday 3 June 2015

My Goal: The Comrades Marathon

"Comrades 2015 belonged to South Africa." This is the headline on a News24 article and it's so true! Another is: "Clean sweep for SA at Comrades" says another on EyeWitness News.

Wow. This is what I actually said when I heard the news, that not only did a South African, Gift Kelehe, place first yesterday in Overall and Men's, but we also had Caroline Wostmann representing in the Ladies' division. What a Proudly South African moment. The twitterverse was buzzing with all the tweets and the whole country was on that high that comes from such a momentous occasion when it seems that anything is possible.

It was also extremely motivating for me to keep up with my training.. Which I did, all weekend!
So my 2nd week started Sunday and I've completed a strength & a cardio training session. I will also put some time in Dancing today, it's basic dance but an hour and a half training session is good.

The weather forecast for the whole week is cold and rainy, but nothing is stopping me! I'm bundling up and heading out rain or shine.. See you on the flip side.

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