Thursday 15 October 2015

Only 2 Days To Go

 Excitement is mounting as we have only two days to go before Plett joins over 200 walks worldwide on October 17.

I have to tell you that I am seeing more every day, how the little bit each of us has to give, contributes to a Big Difference.

We are getting final preparations ready and would like to invite you all one last time.

If you haven't registered, just show up at the N2 bridge - Parking area outside Castleton in Plettenberg Bay at 10 am for registration there. Wear all black, bring a camera or camera phone and since we are walking 2,5 kms wear walking shoes. We will start the Walk by 11 am. There are still a few t-shirts available at R80 each. (As worn in picture below).

Join us to turn our stand for justice into a Walk For Freedom. We are the voice for the voiceless. United we will raise our voices so that the whole world hears our urgent call for action.

Please use the hashtag #WalkForFreedom on pictures you take and share them on all social media platforms while we are walking. Let's let our freedom cry be all that's heard throughout the cities we are walking in and across the internet on Saturday.

My son and I unloaded the water that was sponsored for the Plett Walk this afternoon. (Picture on right)

Thank you for your generosity Coca Cola - Bonaqua and Tsitsikamma Waters. Thank you Albert from Plettenberg Bay Pick n Pay for arranging the sponsors. And thank you to my precious boy who always helps so cheerfully and without my even having to ask. You inspire me!

We can't wait to see you there! If you can't be there you can still be a voice, share the pictures that will be online of the walk everywhere. Let Our Legacy Be Freedom!

Yours in Justice,

A Fellow Abolitionist.

Tuesday 8 September 2015

All things marketing, social and official about the Plett Walk For Freedom

What an exciting week! It was my birthday week and have been baking, cooking, drinking copious amounts of tea and coffee to go with all the terribly unhealthy birthday treats. and being spoilt. Even amidst the normal daily routines and birthday fun, I have been getting a lot done...

  • I have received my first box of marketing materials from the A21 offices in Cape Town
  • Set up a Facebook event page
  • Created an introduction video inviting people to the walk 
  • Uploaded the intro video to YouTube
  • Done some campaigning on Twitter
  • Done some speaking about Human Trafficking and inviting people to join the Walk and get involved

Check out my volunteer t-shirts, our prayer guides, pamphlets and A21 Booklets..

You can visit the Plett Walk For Freedom Event page here or scan the QR code:

You can check out the introduction video here:

Please help us spread the word to reach as many people as possible, as The A21 South Africa Facebook Post said: No Awareness, No Change.

To donate to the cause please use the following link to pay directly to the A2 Plett Walk For Freedom Fundraising Page: donate

Remember to register for the walk in your city on the A21 website here

Monday 31 August 2015

New South African counter-trafficking law

On Woman's Day this year we welcomed the news that trafficking for labour purposes, for the removal of body parts, for forced marriages or for any form of exploitation can be prosecuted. Previous interim legislation only covered children trafficked for sex, now protection is available to anyone irrespective of age or gender or type of trafficking. See more at Joy Digital Magazine

What wonderful news! I thank God for every step forward and will celebrate every victory.

More good news is that Hilton Worldwide have decided to remove porn in their hotels. This was after reviewing the facts and realising that Porn has a direct effect by fuelling the demand for sex trafficking, which then fuels the demand for human trafficking. See more at End Sexual Exploitation

If that wasn't enough to encourage you, wait until you hear this: I am very excited to say that we have finalised the route for our Walk For Freedom. Other plans have been put on the back burner while I was ill, but we are up and running again and it feels good to be progressing. Resources are being distributed, the word is getting out, people are signing up and even more people are becoming aware and prepared to take a stand.

If you are yet to sign up for the 2015 Walk For Freedom, raising awareness and funds to end human trafficking, you can do so now here: A21 Walk For Freedom

To donate funds towards this amazing cause, you can click here: A21 End Human Trafficking

Thank you to every one of you that are joining me on this journey in whatever capacity. Together we will End It!

Monday 17 August 2015

Flu 2 Me 0

So as is probably abundantly clear from the title of this blog post, I have the flu. My son and I have both been in and out of bed for 2 weeks and I am absolutely floored. I very rarely get sick. I have been focussing on eating healthier than usual and except for a chocolate binge as I was getting sick, I have been mostly successful. So why the prolonged bout of flu for the second time this winter?

I started wondering if starting a new exercise routine and diet change, coupled with an oddly large amount of stress, could have an effect. So here is what I found researching this query online:

Regular exercise can help prevent illness - Yes we know if you are fitter you are healthier. But what about starting new routines?

So I found very many people experience flu-like symptoms after exercise for a variety of reasons, sometimes with a new workout and sometimes not. Here are some of those reasons:
  1. Dehydration - You need to keep well hydrated throughout your workout or you lose minerals.
  2. Diet - Not eating enough healthy fresh foods to ensure you obtain all the necessary minerals.
  3. Lack of supplements - To assist your diet as our foods aren't as mineral rich as we would like.
  4. Overdoing the workout - Ensure you work at a pace that is challenging but not putting you back.
  5. Probiotics - Are needed to assist keep your intestinal tract in balance.
  6. Sleep - Or the lack thereof is very detrimental to your health. So get your 7 - 8 hours a day.
  7. Then lastly, but probably a main culprit - Stress, even a moderate amount will put additional strain on your body so that working out will be more difficult. But working out helps relieve stress, so don't let that stop you.
So while flu-like symptoms could be experienced, it is most likely not the exercise routine that causes actual flu.

The only thing to do is just to try focus on fixing the first 6 points and push through, however slowly. We were taking probiotics with supplements and have recently not been doing so. I will remedy this and ensure that we continue to take them in future.

One thing confirmed in all sources is that you need to allow your body to rest and recover when you have the flu. So I just need to remember that while I am not working out during flu, slower progress is better than putting my body under strain and eventually becoming more sick. I really dislike being sick, so I will stick it out and can't wait to be back on track soonest.

Saturday 8 August 2015

And You Give Me Courage

So it's no secret I am a complete Geek. And last night I was watching The Hobbit with one of the volunteers who will be assisting me with the walk, (because she had never seen it before?!). Anyway, so this one particular scene played and I just about fist-pumped while jumping to my feet. The scene plays out like this:

The Lady Galadriel asks Gandalf: "Mithrandir, why the Halfling?"
And Gandalf answers:

And he ends off saying: "Why Bilbo Baggins? Perhaps it is because I am afraid and he gives me courage."

This was exactly how I have been feeling this week. While talking to people about the Walk For Freedom and about Human Trafficking Awareness in general, I often felt people feel overwhelmed by the enormity of the problem. I feel the need to constantly reassure them and myself that the truth of the matter is exactly as Gandalf so succinctly put it.

I also want each and every one of you to know, that when I feel overwhelmed, I look at you. Ordinary folk, each keeping the darkness at bay with small every day deeds. And you give me courage.

Thursday 6 August 2015

The Sum Of Every Small Victory Is How We Will Prevail

God knew what he was talking about when He looked at man and said that it is not good for him to be alone. We all need people in our lives. People in our immediate family circle: spouses, children, parents, siblings. Then our beloved chosen family: our friends. And in our work or hobbies or chosen causes: kindred spirits. In other words: teams. 

I am getting more organised and more excited as people are coming alongside me for this years A21 Walk For Freedom, the local campaign that has sprung up around this through the local Mayor's office and the further campaigns spreading through the volunteers to churches and schools and forums.

I am registering to start an A-Team, so I am able to officially represent The A21 Campaign outside of just hosting the Walk For Freedom. With this designation I will also have access to resources such as presentations, material and when necessary any other backup necessary from the nearest A21 satellite office.

I have also through my meetings and starting to spread the word acquired a few volunteers already to spread the load. 

It is very exciting to be moving forward with plans and to know that this is a fire that we are spreading and will set the world ablaze until slavery in every form is abolished. This might seem inconceivable in the face of the facts: With over 27 Million trapped in slavery today and another person being trafficked every 30 seconds. 

But this is not a single battle we are engaged in, it is a war. And it is the sum of the "small" victories that will cause us to prevail.

Every single person that is educated is another "small" victory. 
Every single share of tweets linking to this blog and blogs like it, is another "small" victory. 
Every cent donated towards campaigns such as The A21 Campaign is another "small" victory. 
Every prayer sent out is another "small" victory.
Every law that is amended or put into place to combat trafficking is another "small" victory.
Every conviction in court of traffickers is another "small" victory.
Every article in the media about human trafficking is another "small" victory.
Every volunteer that signs up to help in any capacity is another "small" victory.
Every person rescued out of slavery is another "small" victory.
Every meeting called to address the issues of slavery is another "small" victory.
Every letter written or care package sent to survivors is another "small" victory.

Help me by doing everything you can today. Help the victims. Help prevent future victims. 

Will you join us? Join a team, because together we can make our legacy be freedom.

Find out how you can help today: 21 Ways To Help

Sign up for the annual Walk For Freedom on 17 October in your city: Walk For Freedom 2015
If there isn't one in your city, host one! Get your family, friends and fellow Abolitionists involved to help you, just do it today. 

Help me reach my fundraising goal and donate, share the link on your social media for others to donate, or even set up your own fundraising page: Fundraising

Sunday 26 July 2015

So Much More Than Just A Silent March

Each walk that will happen around the world will leave a deafening silence with the echo of footsteps. I declare that each footstep will walk straight into the hearts of those yet ignorant, and move them to want to do something about the plight of human trafficking victims. I trust that every person reached will in turn reach out to others. I pray that the funds raised will have an effect that will ripple out and grow, and grow, until it engulfs the whole planet.

Just as with our walk in Plett, I know that our silent statement will stir our neighbours to take their first steps to end human trafficking in our lifetime. When I approached our Mayor and his office to get their public support for this walk, I was so encouraged by every single person's willingness to help in any way possible. I have not only received their assurance of support at the Walk, but we are working together to host the actual event. And if that wasn't enough, together with individuals from other departments in our area, a whole awareness campaign is being planned. These individuals form part of committees or fill positions that are outside of their job description. Beyond law enforcement, social development, youth development, Forums and Mayoral offices. They work with all shape and forms of vulnerable; such as domestic abuse, woman in need, children and youth at risk and more. They do this because their hearts were stirred to help in any way they possibly can.

When working with victims, even if it's just the statistics of what is happening today, it is easy to lose faith in humanity. I am in awe and so grateful for knowing and being able to work with people whose hearts are so big. It encourages me to believe that the more people we reach, the more people will join the cause. 

I have another big week coming up meeting more representatives of other town's and government departments and planning. I go with assurance that God has prepared the way, because it is His will that the captives are set free. He loves every single person on this planet and I pray that through all this work we do, we all are all filled with that same love for each other. This is my motivation and though we all differ in many ways, this one thing is all that will bind us: Love.

If you have yet to join a walk on 17 October in your city, register on the A21 website here. If there isn't a walk near you, host one :) 

If you cannot make the walk but wish to contribute, please donate here