Monday 31 August 2015

New South African counter-trafficking law

On Woman's Day this year we welcomed the news that trafficking for labour purposes, for the removal of body parts, for forced marriages or for any form of exploitation can be prosecuted. Previous interim legislation only covered children trafficked for sex, now protection is available to anyone irrespective of age or gender or type of trafficking. See more at Joy Digital Magazine

What wonderful news! I thank God for every step forward and will celebrate every victory.

More good news is that Hilton Worldwide have decided to remove porn in their hotels. This was after reviewing the facts and realising that Porn has a direct effect by fuelling the demand for sex trafficking, which then fuels the demand for human trafficking. See more at End Sexual Exploitation

If that wasn't enough to encourage you, wait until you hear this: I am very excited to say that we have finalised the route for our Walk For Freedom. Other plans have been put on the back burner while I was ill, but we are up and running again and it feels good to be progressing. Resources are being distributed, the word is getting out, people are signing up and even more people are becoming aware and prepared to take a stand.

If you are yet to sign up for the 2015 Walk For Freedom, raising awareness and funds to end human trafficking, you can do so now here: A21 Walk For Freedom

To donate funds towards this amazing cause, you can click here: A21 End Human Trafficking

Thank you to every one of you that are joining me on this journey in whatever capacity. Together we will End It!

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